Arkansas people against Police corruption if a platform where people in Illinois who have cases or evidence about police corruption can have a profile linked with all their evidence and help other people add evidence to their case, by sharing yours. This way there will be less police corruption, more accountability, and less abuse.
Here are the instructions: 1. Get an online library for your case evidence. Suggestions for online libraries are:,, 2. Upload for case files to the online library and label your case and documents. It should give you individual links to each document. Share the main people involved, such as which police department, county, officers, chief of police, investigators, and what it was about. 3. Share your online library or the documents you want shared with me at [email protected], contact me if you have any questions. alongside a picture if you can. So this way I can list you on the profiles of cases for this page. The profiles with brief case details will be listed below. This way if you need more evidence for your case, you will be able to help eachother build a better case. Someone else may have the evidence you need for your case, such as corruption evidence, cirriculum vitaes, etc so that way they will not be able to get away with things that this website may otherwise allow them to get away with as you would not have access to evidence to make your case better.