FAMILY CASE FILES: PEDO HUNTERS SPECIALYour Host: “V” ATTENTION READERS AND VIEWERS: On this special episode of FCF, the host V and legal adviser Joanne Denison are on the hunt for corrupt judges and child traffickers. Kara Witkowski is their guest that has suffered the family court kidnapping of her 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son and given to the rapist pedophile father despite the overwhelming evidence of child molestation. The toddlers having a bruised vagina and prolapsed anus in which medical attention was denied to them for some time. The father was found with child porn on his computer and has spent no time in jail because of his relationship with the rich godfather that has connections to judges, the Clinton’s, and presumably the global pedophile child trafficking ring circuit. What we have right here is a miniature EPSTEIN pedophile case! We have MISSING CHILDREN. We have CHILD PORN. We have a SELF CONFESSED RAPIST and PEDOPHILE. We have a BOUGHT-OFF JUDGE. We have a CORRUPT DETECTIVE. We have a greedy child kidnapping GENERAL ATTORNEY. Last but not least, we have a WEALTHY MAN behind it all! Lets not forget the BONUS feature here: V caught the guest Kara’s phone line being police bugged with the novice cop tapping his pen off of his dashboard from his vehicle that was listening in on the call. The stalker investigator was so careless as we even caught the wind noises heard at the beginning of the call (which was cut out). This episode took 2 weeks to make with all the government hacking and sabotage done to our lawyer’s communication devices.
CHICAGO (CBS) — A mother lost her 2-year-old son back in October, and after waiting months for some kind of explanation, the autopsy only left her with more questions. As CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey has learned, the family is far from alone. And on Wednesday night, we asked – what happened to Baby James? “He absolutely loved monsters,” said Kara Witowski as she showed Hickey a seaweed green-colored onesie with a monster face on the chest. It is one of only a few keepsakes that Witkowski has of her son James. “I just miss that so much,” she said. “I miss being able to hold him.” In fact, all of the keepsakes can fit in a shopping bag. “I’ve had absolutely no closure in all of this,” Witkowski said. Witkowski’s ex-husband had custody of James one night in October when Palatine police got a call for an unconscious 2-year-old in cardiac arrest “He was laying on his back and his lips were blue,” Witkowski said. But by the time Witkowski made it to the hospital, James had passed away. “When you’re sitting here telling me that you can’t tell me how my son died, I can’t believe that,” she said. More than three months passed by with no autopsy results from the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office – until just this week, when Witkowski got a letter. “He just died,” Witkowski said. The pathologist said “no definitive cause of death can be identified,” and James’ death had been certified as “unknown natural causes.” James’ medical records show that he had been treated several times in the months leading up to his death for a prolapsed rectum. However, the autopsy did not find that the condition contributed to his death. Witkowski still questions exactly what happened the night James died, and now she has hired her own private forensic pathologist to take a second look. But that pathologist was not allowed access to all of James’ remains until after the Medical Examiner’s office completed their own evaluation. So just how does a 2-year-old pass away with no explanation? “This is a category of death that eludes science today,” said Laura Gould Crandall, a research scientist and president of the SUDC Foundation. Crandall leads a national foundation that’s trying to answer the question of such unexplained deaths of small children. Crandall said James’ case currently falls under the category of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, or SUDC, which about one in every 100,000 kids falls into. Nobody knows how to predict it, or how to prevent it. Records obtained by the CBS 2 Investigators show that since 2014, the Cook County Medical Examiner could find no explanation for the cause and manner of the deaths of 26 children between the ages of 1 and 4. Crandall agrees that these families need more answers. “I have great hope that we’re going to be able to shed light on this, but we need more research funds to help us continue,” Crandall said. It’s unclear just how many child deaths fall into the SUDC category, because there is no standardized way of reporting it. That is why the SUDC Foundation recently funded a grant to create national guidelines for the investigation and certification of these cases. In James’ case, the letter to Witkowski from the Medical Examiner’s office offered to provide a vial of James’ blood to for further genetic testing at Lurie Children’s Hospital. Sudden death can occur because of an abnormality in a person’s genetics that would not be tested in a regular autopsy.
Summary of facts: Kara Witkowski was abused by her ex partner for years. His name is Thomas Biel. Earlier in 2019, after being thrown out by Kara for his abuse, he told Kara it was his birthday and he raped her. She filed for a Protective Order and went to police. In retaliation, he filed a Parentage Order. She told the court about all TB’s abuse and how he had raped her in the past and how he was violent and abusive. The court ordered psych evals. Kara’s came back she had PTSD from the rapes and abuse and nothing else. TB’s psych eval came back he was a psychopath and very dangerous person (I do not have a copy of that, this is from Kara). Kara blogged about her case and the judge, litigants and GAL got mad and gave TB more and more parenting time, until she was left with just a few hours per week with an agency that would cost her $1800 per month to see her 2 kids. TB admitted to raping Kara in text messages. He also possessed tons of child porn. This was turned over to Kane County police and they have done nothing. Her rape test came back last week. TB told her numerous times in the past he would kill her. He also said in the past he would kill the kids, or implied it. Some months ago, the 2yo boy had a prolapsed rectum. Kara reported to the court and they said it was constipation. Later it was found out the 4yo girl saw the grandfather (this is a family of abusers), put a toothbrush up the 2yo’s rectum and she begged the grandfather to take it out. The 4yo is at risk of also being killed. Kara’s calls to DCFS and the police have gone no where, but they say the 2yo’s death is under investigation. Please, please call DCFS and demand that they return the 4yo girl right away to Kara. You can friend Kara on FB Kara Witkowski and leave messages there after you call the police and DCFS to demand an apology and the child’s return. This is just horrible. I will be publishing the pleadings as proof of this mess. I have 3 attorneys working on this case now, but if you know of more that will put the safety of a mother and 4 yo girl over being paid, please email me at [email protected]. It will likely take a team of attorneys to get this mother and 4yo safe. . Here is the link to Kara’s pleadings: These are published with her permission. More to come. |
Justice For James – ILCall Gov. JB Pritzker: 312-814-2121 Call IL Atty General: 312-814-3000 Gov. Illinois: Local Police: James was a curious, playful, incredible baby boy who lost his life due to an ignorant and negligent court system as well as DCFS incompetence James was placed in custody of Thomas Biel after an emergency motion was done behind my back while I was at work. The petition used for the motion was nothing but lies and misstatements. Thomas Jerry Biel admittedly stated that he had antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy) multiple personality disorder and Depression. He stated that this stemmed from prolonged sexual abuse. Thomas Jerry Biel stated that his alternate personality raped me and that my children were at greater risk of harm. Thomas Jerry Biel stated that his alternate personality had almost beat a kid to death. This was all known to Judge Dalton who presided over my case and is now known to Judge Cruz who is my current Judge. Thomas Jerry Biel has a harddrive with over 500 prepubescent children recognized and identified by the NCMEC, a harddrive he makes sure to confirm is solely his and then asks for the evidence to be destroyed. James had 9 hospitalizations and multiple surgical procedures 2 months before he died. He had repeated prolapsed rectums. Thomas made it known to the medical professionals that James had no history of constipation. James was found on his Grandfathers bed on Oct. 31st 2019, his lips blue, a cut on his lip, foam tinted with blood coming from both his nose and mouth. Despite repeated DCFS involvement, DCFS was allowed to investigate their own crimes and ultimately declared themselves to be innocent. Court Documents is responsible for this meme, and is solely responsible for the publishing of all contents of this page in their entirety. Thank you for reading.Click Here to: FOLLOW Justice For James on FacebookCALL NOW | LEAVE MSGJustice For James – ILCall Gov. JB Pritzker: 312-814-2121 Call IL Atty General: 312-814-3000 Gov. Illinois: Local Police: Leonidas & Breanna – ORCall Gov. Kate Brown: 503-378-4582 Call Clackamas Courthouse: 503-655-8447 Gov. Oregon: Clack Co. Sheriff: Kimberly Lowe – VACall Gov. Ralph Northam: 804-786-2211 Call VA Atty General: 804-786-2071 Gov. VA: VA Atty General: COMMENT OF THE WEEK Last Week’s Winner of $5.00 Coffee Card for Double+Triple Points with 2 comments, a Sad Panda, and link back to the site, for a perfect example of teamwork and skilled execution of a peaceful digital protest that I have ever seen. Well played Stacey, well played. +10 Points for Sad Panda Style.Nationwide | Justice For JamesClick the image to join the Nationwide effort for justice. Together, we are stronger. They are not match. We Are Many. Story continued…JusticeForJamesWhen I asked Judge Dalton to explain how a known pedophile and admitted rapist was given custody of my children, he blatantly said “I decline” Kane County Judicial Court put my children purposely in danger and then cannot even come up with a reason as to why. 2 months after this miscarriage of Justice, my son was found dead. #JusticeForJames Transcripts found here: Judge in rape case removed…/nj-judge-removed-assault-t…/index.html Are you paying attention yet? #judgedalton #judgecruz #judgegrady #judgehull #juliepirtle #joemcmahon #kanecounty #endcorruption #endjudicialimmunity #wewillnotbesilenced #saveourchildren #thecourtsaid #beloud #JusticeForJames #injustice4R #injustice4S You ALL know what is happening and through documented evidence you have ALL DISREGARDED. How many innocent children and good parents need to be destroyed? Fix it- because we will not be silent & we have the receipts. #abuse #wearejustgettingstarted #youunderestimatedourloveforourchildren @john.dalton.elgin @clint.hull.9 Judge Rene Cruz @joseph.mcmahon.3388 Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office JAMES DID NOT DIE FROM SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED CHILD DEATH SYNDROME!!! (Please Share!) How do we know this? 1.James was found with his lips blue 2.The EMS report states that James was repeatedly foaming from his nose and mouth both inside and outside the ambulance 3.The foam that was dispersing was tinted with blood 4.James had deep tissue bruising on his lower back.
7.James was hospitalized 9 times and received multiple surgical procedures for his prolapsed rectums. 8.The Palatine Police were caught deliberately lying on a certified letter regarding the preliminary findings of an actual licensed FORENSIC Pathologist. 9. A fellow who is not board certified in forensic pathology and was only supervised by a Palatine Police detective was the one who did the STATE autopsy.
JusticeForJamesAre you paying attention? #judgedalton #judgecruz #judgegrady #judgehull #juliepirtle #joemcmahon #kanecounty #endcorruption #endjudicialimmunity #wewillnotbesilenced #saveourchildren #thecourtsaid #beloud #JusticeForJames #injustice4R #injustice4S You ALL know what is happening and through documented evidence you have ALL DISREGARDED. How many innocent children and good parents need to be destroyed? Fix it- because we will not be silent & we have the receipts. #abuse #wearejustgettingstarted #youunderestimatedourloveforourchildren judicialinquiryboardwhereareyou? What the heck is being allowed to go on in #kanecounty?kathytwinedavidsterbajudgepaulagomorafrankcastglionepameladavisJudgeKentDelgadoelainejohnsonseannashrubysmithkevinfee@john.dalton.elgin @clint.hull.9 Judge Rene Cruz @joseph.mcmahon.3388 Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office The Women’s Coalition “Kara Witkowski is the mother of “James Ryker Biel” who tragically passed away at his grandparent’s home on October 31st, 2019. James was a curious, playful, incredible baby boy who lost his life due to an ignorant and negligent court system as well as DCFS incompetence. James was in his father’s care leading up to his death. The graphic details about James’ father, Thomas Biel, can be read in this post: CONNECTING CASESWe have reason to believe that these two cases may be connected via initial reports AND court documents that we have received from inside sources in Oregon, Illinois, and Las Vegas. The same names are starting to appear cross State line. How it Works: You upload your Story with names of COPS Caseworkers and Judges. Then, we match them to other victims, very easily using basic off the shelf site search technology, just like search for a t-shirt online. BREANNA FULLERTON CASEPlease review both cases in their entirety. Click image to view Story with link back to this page when done. Oregon Governor Kate Brown is best friends with Judge Torres who sent Breanna Fullerton’s children to live with FOUNDED SEX OFFENDER. Her children were taken from school. ” Bryan Tull and Amy Hatton kidnap children from schools without parents ever knowing who he is and you are never reunited.”SEX OFFENDER MEET LEONIDAS – SON OF FOUNDER KIMBERLY LOWE FAMILY GAMIFICATIONAt Fighter Cries, we use “Gamification” to engage the community to make a bigger difference. With that said, let’s play a game we like to call, “Do Not Pass Go.” DO NOT PASS GO CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY | DO NOT PASS GOGovernor Gretchen Whitmer, you stand accused by the court of public opinion of neglecting to perform your sworn civic duty to your citizens. PLEASE is solely responsible for the publishing of all contents of this page in their entirety. Thank you for reading.Fighter Cries needs your support, Judge Cruz Judge Dalton Judge Grady Kane County Judicial Court Previous Story “Mandated Reporters” Ignored My Sexual Abuse Reports, Repeatedly Next Story Judge Allen Sharrett & Attorney Ryan Ferry Violate Mother Rights & Endanger ChildrenRelated Articles No Innocent Child or Good Parent Should Ever Have to Endure What We AreI am mother to one 8-year-old boy who will be... 2 replies added