Creve Couer Illinois Police Corruption Stories Joshua Rippel's Story about the Creve Couer Police Department from Creve Cour Illinois Tazwell County (Click Here)
July 2, 2020 By Joshua Rippel about Creve Couer Illinois Tazwell County Police Corruption "About a year ago I was was hanging out at the local watering hole the Lucky Break in Creve Coeur, IL . I had had a couple of drinks and was unable to drive. I called an Uber to leave, there was a woman there wanting to leave and I offered her a ride home with my Uber. When the Uber got there i asked him to wait a minute so i could go get that woman wanted to leave. Now it turns out the Uber driver was a member of the local millionaire family with the last name Mudd. He told me that he wasnt going to wait and i knew explicitly that uber had a policy that required him to wait. The driver was listening to really loud music and was smoking a cigar. I told him that i did not want the ride anymore and according to the driver i slammed the door. I would like to state for the record that i did not slam the door maliciously or have any malcontent, was just ready to get back in the bar. I went back in the bar and bought another beer and went out into the beer garden, the driver then proceeds to get out of his car which was more of a van car hybrid type of vehicle, and get in my face and continue to yell at me for cancelling the ride, i told him what for and told him if he wanted to do anything about it to come on in. He then brought up me slamming his door, and then said "watch" this. He then got back into his vehicle and sped off. While out in the beer garden a lady that is a regular at the bar came up to me and said "do you know who that was?? THAT was (forgotten first name) Mudd, you don't mess with that family you should have handled that better" Ten minutes later I was in the bar sitting at the bar and next thing i know i'm being arrested for destruction of personal property, the police officer then handcuffs me as hard and tight as he could took me to county. At county i am distraught because I felt like i did nothing warranting jail, all i did was slam a door and i don't think i ever did any damage, like i said it was not malicious. After a while i cool down and they line me up to pay bail, and as i was paying for the bail and waiting for conformation the sheriffs informed me that it was upgraded to a felony and that i had to at least stay the night to see the judge. I ended up spending two nights in intake and the judge dropped the phony felony charge and the case all together. I have reason to believe the Creve Coeur police department is corrupt and quite possibly taking bribes, and I have reason to believe that (First Name Forgotten) Mudd went and had me arrested because you just mess with him and his bribe allows for it. Also in the past they've been heavily investigated for corruption. My friend used to tell me that when he was hanging out in the back room of a certain bar that is no longer open Officer Scutters who is still employed by the department would walk in see a big pile of coke sitting on the table and just act like he didnt see anything and walk out, which furthers my suspicions. For the record my arresting officer this night was named Sgt. Binneger. Which even furthers my suspicions that it is widespread and accepted within that department. This weekend they told everyone on facebook that they will arrest anyone lighting off fireworks, And just believe maybe they need to be arrested or at the very least investigated, because things are fishy... -Signed Joshua L. Rippel "